Aging 2.0

Innovation Engine

The Discovery Labs

Aging2.0 has exclusive access to one of the most powerful innovation engines in the world. By harnessing the power of the corporate strength of its members, the CEO innovation engine is unrivaled in the healthcare space. Each year CEO conducts its Discovery Labs with each of its members. The corporate members assemble their subject matter experts and senior level staff, to be on a comprehensive assessment of what their critical needs are. CEO has the trusted position to see across all of its members to determine what innovations are needed to improve the quality of healthcare.

The Global Innovation Search

Once the needs are determined through the Discovery Labs, a Global Innovation Search is conducted through the Aging2.0 and CEO network around the world. The best and most innovative entrepreneurs submit their innovations, and CEO and Aging2.0 make an assessment of the innovation. The top innovations are brought to the Innovation Committee of CEO and further vetted. Finalist are selected and they pitch their innovations at the world renowned
Optimize conference

Access To Resources

Innovators need more than a good idea and a dream to commercialize their products or services. They need capital. Aging2.0 and CEO through our innovation engine connects entrepreneurs with the monetary capital and the human capital they need. Through CEO Chairman's Circle and the Aging2.0 Mentors network, entrepreneurs can access the most difficult resource in the world to find: good people. And through the Aging Innovation Fund and Aging2.0's strategic relationship with the Sheltowee Angel Network and the Sheltowee Venture Fund, Aging2.0 can bring significant monetary capital to the table for the commercialization of world changing technologies. 

Open  Call For Innovations

A new feature for Aging2.0 is our open call for innovations. Although our Global Innovation Search is limited to a specific need and to a specific window of time, our open call allows for entrepreneurs to submit their innovations at any time. This open call for innovations is a new way for entrepreneurs to interact with Aging2.0 and CEO. If you have an innovation, or know of someone who does, please submit it below.

Healthcare Innovation Engine

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