Aging 2.0


Mentor Network

Aging2.0, in partnership with CEOc, is building a mentor network that will help innovators bring their products and services to market.
We are seeking entrepreneurs who are developing products, services and tech­nologies that can have a strong impact on healthcare. The company needs to be a scalable company with exceptional growth potential.

Additionally, our network is seeking mentors who can help commercialize innovations. We are looking for knowledgable entrepreneurs in the aging innovation space willing to share their experience.

The CEOc Chairman's Circle is a highly experienced group of healthcare executives and entrepreneurs who will help direct and guide the buildout of the mentor network. Chairman's Circle members will spend time with mentors and provide insights and guidance
If you would like to participate in our mentor network by either becoming a mentee or a mentor email us by clicking the button below. We will be in touch shortly to gather additional information.

The Aging Innovation Fund

For those innovators who have a product on the market and are generating revenue, the Aging Innovation Fund is a $50 million fund that is organized by the CEOC. This fund is for innovators who have achieved at least $1 million in revenue.

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