

Recipe for Success


Recipe for Success

Imagine walking into your local coffeehouse and being greeted by a woman with a gentle smile who reminds you of your grandmother. She escorts you to your table and collects a children’s book to help occupy your children during the visit.
After ordering a delicious piece of cake hand baked by “Grandmother Marlene” and taken out of the oven by “Grandfather Karl”, you glance around and realize how much this beautiful cafe reminds you of your childhood. Looking over the rim of your coffee as you nibble on your poppy seed confection you see visitors of every age at the cafe, filling it with life and connection.
Because ‘connecting generations’ is the unspoken motto of this fabulous coffee house concept, it’s not unusual for strangers to strike up a conversation and part ways as friends when their mug is empty.

This cafe has a recipe to fight loneliness while inspiring and delivering positive impact.
The Concept
Welcome to the intergenerational café Vollpension (which translates to ‘Full board’) in Vienna. This social establishment was developed to fight loneliness and poverty amongst older adults in the city of cake (& music). Vollpension employs, empowers and connects a growing community of seniors in Vienna and welcomes over 200,000 guests each year from around the world.

The Results
Older adults bake cakes and host the guests while their millennial peers take the lead on operations, sales and marketing. Before COVID-19 this charming intergenerational coffeehouse was serving over 90,000 pieces of cake per year. During the recent lockdowns Vollpension pivoted to an online store model, delivering cakes in Vienna. They also offer cooking accessories and instructional Youtube baking lessons.

The Next Step
A franchise business model. Vollension want to connect generations in coffee houses in every neighborhood around the world! Check out their their online store or inquire about a franchise. Help this wonderful concept thrive! Visit and subscribe to their Youtube channel here!

Ambassador Endorsement
Contact Daniela at with any questions or comments or to get in touch with Vollpension!

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