
2022 Aging 2.0 Global Innovation Search

June 23, 2022


The Global Innovation Search (GIS) provides innovators from around the world with an opportunity to showcase their interoperabilily solutions and gain access to customers, clients, capital and mentorship.

Eight GIS finalists will be selected to participate in the "CareTech Pitch" competition at our preeminent aging innovation conference "OPTIMIZE", held in September of 2022. The winners will receive great exposure, a generous prize package and a paid pilot with industry-leading companies. 

The LHCC Discovery Lab Findings 2022 - Interoperability Report provides additional information on the opportunities for innovation with interoperability.  The Global Innovation Search is targeting innovations that address the Wishlist items discussed in the report. 


TOPIC: Top Interoperability Innovations Needed

  • Simplify and improve the transition of care with technology.
  • Reduce burnout among professional caregivers by streamlining the planning and delivery of care.
  • Save time by reducing duplication of effort and errors in patient management.
  • Directly connect lab, pharmacy, equipment, and device data to EHR.
  • Coordinate services and care plans across the continuum of care, including post-acute care facilities, hospital systems, home care, and payers.
  • Provide tools to enhance customer experience and patient education

CRITERIA: for evaluating proposals from innovators

  • Impact on Interoperability: The potential of the product to address the challenges identified in the Discovery Lab Wishlist with deep interoperability
  • Product Idea: Clarity and importance of the problem, quality of overall concept, differentiation of the product, and the practicality of product or service
  • Implementation: How innovators present their idea, including diversity and strength of team, and clarity of stage, scalability, and strategic plan
  • Integration: How well the innovation integrates into potential workflows, demonstrates a solid understanding of the market dynamics, existing players, public and private reimbursement schemes. How responsive is the innovator to mentorship and adapting to the challenges of the healthcare system


  • Applications open: May 9 - June 15
  • Evaluation period: June 16 - June 26 
  • Online public voting: July 1 - July 15
  • Expert evaluation: July 16 - August 5
  • Finals at CareTech Pitch at OPTIMIZE: September 21 - 22


  • The most competitive applicants will be commercial-stage companies (late venture or early growth) with actively developed and marketed products addressing the challenges associated with an increasing older-adult population and able to benefit from the unique position LHCC and Aging2.0 have created to gain insight and data from member companies.   
  • Products must be on the market for less than 3 years from the date of the pitch event (if it has launched).
  • Chapters will prioritize innovations in the market where there is:
    • ongoing collaboration with a range of partners.
    • evidence about the positive impact (such as lower costs or improved user experience).
  • Founders or C-level executive (or equivalent) must be the person presenting.
  • Innovators must apply via the application form above.
  • If selected, Innovators are able to pitch at multiple Global Innovation Search events. 
  • The Global Innovation Search is not only open to startups. Established companies and nonprofits are welcome to apply if they have recently (within the last 3 years) launched an innovative solution to improve the lives of older adults.
  • The search does not have a specific geographic focus but will leverage the unique value proposition of the LHCC and its member companies to move companies to Louisville Kentucky when mutually beneficial to support company growth and economic vibrancy.


  • The winner of the CareTech Pitch will receive a paid pilot in at least one of the CEOc companies.
  • All expenses paid trip to the Aging2.0 Optimize conference with the chance to pitch to CEOs and top executives from across the continuum of care during CareTech Pitch, being held at the historic Churchill Downs racetrack during fall meet.  
  • All CareTech Pitch finalists will have a thoroughbred race named after their company and a trip to the winner's circle.
  • Additional brand exposure to industry leaders with recognition and logos on print media, electronic media and signage.


  • Identify and learn about new innovations focused on interoperability
  • Educate the community about Aging2.0, LHCC and innovations related to aging
  • Expand and deepen the global community