
CEOc Launches 2023 Global Innovation Search Focused On Operational Efficiency, Workforce Engagement

June 22, 2023

CEOC launched its 2023 Global Innovation Search (GIS) this week. The 2023 GIS provides innovators from around the world with the opportunity to showcase their operational
efficiency and workforce engagement solutions and gain access to customers, capital and mentorship.

GIS applications are open through June 14. Aging2.0 Ambassadors have a special nomination period until June 23. After an evaluation period, online public voting will occur June 26-30, with expert voting taking place July 3-18. Eight GIS finalists will be invited to the CareTech Pitch at the OPTIMIZE global conference, held Sept. 27-28, in Louisville. At least one finalist will win the opportunity to participate in a paid pilot program and receive potential investment from the CEOC fund.