
Konexons's Blog


Nelly visited her son in the United States last year, but due to the COVID-19 lockdown she couldn’t return home to Lima as planned. She was eager to go back to her active and independent life in Peru—in part because, at the age of 83, she found an art expression program for older adults: Momentos de Alegría (Moments of Joy). The activities there allowed Nelly to fully express herself. By creating art, learning new topics and making new friends she felt active again. While she was staying in the United States, Nelly’s son found out that the Peruvian art program was transferred online due to the pandemic and decided to surprise Nelly by signing her up for a collage art session over Zoom. Nelly could not believe her eyes—her beloved art program was right there, a click away from her. Eager to meet her friends online, she was motivated to learn how to use Zoom . Nelly was not only able to reconnect with her old friends, but she made new ones online. She calls herself one of the most enthusiastic participants of Momentos de Alegría. “Life goes on, we cannot stop and watch it pass by.”


Time To Talk Befriending matches volunteers (“Befrienders”) with older people for mutually rewarding, long-lasting friendships. The results are in the testimonials: “I used to think, why would a young person like Robyn want to talk to me? But now I realize we do have things in common! This is the loveliest thing that has happened to me this year and I cannot speak highly enough about the whole experience.” - Valerie, 86 “Knowing that someone cares - that’s all you need. Otherwise, it’s a very lonely existence.” - Jean, 91 “Invisible… yes, invisible - that’s what I was before. Richard, my befriender has helped me feel alive again! I have my purpose.” - Martin, 77 “My life felt over. I didn’t think I could make new friends at my age. It’s wonderful!” - Muriel, 89 “I would rather go without food than my befriender.” - Arthur, 89


82 year old Henrik lives in a Stockholm care facility and has used BikeAround five times in the last two weeks. While on the BikeAround Henrik literally cycles through his memories - traveling virtually through the locations and landscapes of his life while pedaling a stationary bike. Speaking of his experience, Henrik said “I love this thing. It overwhelms me because here I am pedaling away like a little boy, traveling through my whole life in my mind. I can visit the places I’ve lived and the place I’ve loved. This experience is fabulous - going for a ride through my past is like time traveling.” Riding the bike is also a social experience. As he cycles, Henrik talks to his caregiver or grandchildren and enthusiastically recounts memories of his life, often about his apartment building where the famous Swedish actress Ingrid Bergman was also raised. Cycling through real places without leaving the home is a powerful way to recall memories and share experiences.


Stift & Papier is a friendship project that connects letter writing volunteers with residents at care homes and hospitals. This volunteer-led project has received significant media attention in Germany, capturing the hearts and minds of many. 92 year old Edith lives at a retirement home in Altena, Germany. Her children live only an hour away and visit regularly - at least they did until the Covid-19 lockdowns began. Missing the connection with her family, Edith became very sad and lost her appetite. Worried about Edith and other residents, the facility director contacted Stift & Papier after learning about their initiative. Edith soon received a letter from Daniela who lives in a small village in Southern Germany with her 7 year old son. Working with a caregiver at the retirement home, Edith was able to respond and express her joy at receiving the letter. 27 other residents of the facility have also received letters from many corners of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Currently more than 200 retirement homes and hospitals have joined the initiative. Because of the awareness around this project, writing and sending letters by hand has become a trend amongst younger generations.


The Rendever team invited the residents of a senior living facility to join a Google Streetview VR experience. Rupert, one of the residents, asked if they could visit his hometown in Ohio. Specifically he wanted to visit his family home where he and his wife raised their two daughters. Rupert was able to walk around the outside of the house and share stories about the two chickens his daughters used to chase, the Tango-dancing neighbors, and everything he loved about his wife Jean. The whole room was in tears. Rupert would typically sit outside the senior living home every Friday with a packed suitcase, waiting for someone to collect him to take him back home to Ohio. When the Rendever team followed up they were told by the facility management that Rupert no longer sat outside on Fridays. The VR experience had given him the ability to visit the house and relive the memories one last time. Eat. Sleep. VR. Repeat. Enabling Seniors to teleport wherever they dream to visit.


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